Sunday, August 7, 2011

the only pictures I took on Easter. Poor Lulu has been teething and constipated for weeks, she was pretty checked out

Easter was a blur this year, kind of a bust too. Baskets were a last minute and pretty pathetic attempt on both our parts, and I didn't get anything for Lulu. We are such slackers. So, Adam was at his parents house(so I thought) and I'm alone in the house when I hear footsteps and someone creeping around. I freaked out and started thinking how I'm going to claw their eyes out when they try to rape me and if I have time to make it to the gun (yes we have a gun, luckily it's in the safe, but I forgot the code). I look downstairs, nothing. I turn my back and look again and there is Adam standing in the living room. I almost had a heart attack. Turns out he was hiding my Easter basket, so I couldn't be mad. Then, we search for the hidden baskets. It takes Adam all of 3 minutes to find his. I'm still looking, still looking, 30 minutes pass. I give up. Tell me where it is! Sorry. Is it inside? yep. On the first floor? yep. Still can't find it. Then, I see it, in the cat house outside. I was mad because he broke the rules and hid it outside. He said he didn't officially break them because you could see it from inside, but I beg to differ. See what I mean? A bust. But, it ended up being good after we had an adult egg hunt for money at kandi's and a feast for kings. We stuffed ourselves like it was thanksgiving and we all wanted to take naps afterwards.
Turns out Amanda and I were led to believe as kids that there was no Easter bunny at all, justJeannie filling our baskets with socks, toothpaste, and sale items(with the price tags still on of coarse). What deprived kids we were. Amanda was so intrigued, she asked Cubby all kinds of questions like, how big was the rabbit? did it have long fur? Could it talk? Kind of funny and sad at the same time. Amanda and I should be pros about the bunnies, we bred and raised herds of them in our backyard as kids.

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